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ScamWatch Bot

This page explains how to use and setup the ScamWatch Bot.

What Can The Bot Do

In brief the bot can do the following;

  • Detects scam links from our 31,000+ database and removes them from chat.
  • Logs removed links in a channel for staff to view and/or take action on the user (remove timeout, kick, ban buttons).
  • Auto Timeout feature, which can be set in config. (if a user posts a scam link the bot will time that user out for x amount of days)

Quick Setup

  1. Invite the bot to your server.
  2. use the /quicksetup command in a admin channel that the bot can also see.

Welcome - Welcome to the quick setup guide.

Step 1. - Select which buttons you want to see under the embeds.
new - type new and the bot will create a channel called #scam-log.
# Symbol - type #channelname if you already have a channel.

Step 2. - Select which buttons you want to see under the embeds.
None Button - Clicking the None button will not show any buttons under the embed.
Select Buttons - Click on the buttons dropdown and you will see a list pop up select the ones you want to show under the embeds.


If you selected "None" in step 2, you can skip step 2.1

Step 2.1 - Pick a role that is requried to use the buttons.
None - If you type none everyone that has access to the log channel can use the buttons.
Roles - When adding a role just @ the role, example @Moderator.

Step 3 - Pick a role that will be pinged when a scam link is detected.
None - If you type none there wont be a ping role.
Roles - When adding a role just @ the role, example @Moderator.

Complete - Setup Complete.


Please make sure the bot has a role that is higher then your members on your server!

Configuring The Bot

Default Permissions

These commands by default will only be accessible by users with the administrator permission.

Channel - The channel which the bot will use for logs.
To set the channel: /config logchannel #channel

Staff Role - Set the staff role that you want to be pinged if the detects a scam link.
To set the role: /config staffrole @role

Ping Staff - Enable or Disable staff pinging.
To set the role: /config pingstaff True/False

Auto TimeOut - Set the time a user will be timed out for in days.
Toggle - Enable or Disable Auto Timeout.
To set this: /config autotimeout True/False days

Kick Button - Set the role that can use the kick button.
Toggle - Enable or Disable the button.
To set this: /config buttons kick True/False @role

Ban Button - Set the role that can use the ban button.
Toggle - Enable or Disable the button.
To set this: /config buttons ban True/False @role

UnTimeout Button - Set the role that can use the Untimeout button.
Toggle - Enable or Disable the button.
To set this: /config buttons untimeout True/False @role


User Side - This will show in the channel where a scam link is posted. (the embed will remove after 30 seconds).

Log Channel - This will show in the log channel for admins/staff.

  1. If you have enabled a role to be pinged this is where it will show.
  2. This shows the user who sent the scam link
  3. This shows the scam link itself.
  4. If you have enabled to Untimeout button this is where it will show.
  5. If you have enabled to Kick button this is where it will show.
  6. If you have enabled to Ban button this is where it will show.

Log Channel - Taken Action - This will show in the log channel if you take action.

  1. This shows what action has been taken.
  2. This show the staff member that took the actio.
  3. Once a action has been taken you cannot take another action, the buttons will be disabled.

Bot Permissions

These are the bot's permissions:

  • Read Messages - Needed to read messages in server.
  • Send Messages - Needed to send messages in server.
  • Kick Members - Needed to kick members when you click a button (Read Configuring the bot).
  • Ban Members - Needed to ban members when you click a button (Read Configuring the bot).
  • Moderate Members - Needed to send messages in server.
  • Manage Messages - Needed to send & delete its own message in the channel specified.
  • Manage Channels - Needed to create a new channel for logs(only on setup).
  • Read Message History - Needed to read message history.
  • View Channel - Needed to view(see) channels.