Custom Profiles
Customise personal & faction profiles
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Personal Profiles
Personal profiles are referring to public profiles which all members have.
- Avatar to display.
- Bio. You are limited to 200 characters in bios & descriptions.
- Avatar outline colour.
Avatar To Display

You can choose which avatar you want to show on your profile, they are:
- Steam Avatar. (Default)
- Discord Avatar.
The selected avatar will also show in a Discord embed when you post your profile URL, more about this is below.
Avatar Outline Colour

You can choose the outline colour that is around your avatar. The selected colour will also show in a Discord embed when you post your profile URL, example below.
Below we have have exmaple of what the outcome would look like if you customised everything.
Custom Profile Example

Avatar Outline Colour
Viewing profile with selected colour on website.

Sharing Profile Link
Sharing a link on discord will show a embed of your profile including the custom colour & the avatar that you set.