The Party system is in beta!
Parties allow you to do the following:
- Send messages within the party.
Coming Soon
- Take joined jobs (HRP).
- Whitelist vehicles to party.
Create A Party

- To create a party use
?p create
. - Once the party has been created you should see a pop-up showing you are the owner.
- If you have a long username, we will cut some of it off so that each name fits on one line.
Joining A Party

- You will need to be invited by the owner to join a party.
- When you are invited you will see this pop-up which you can accept or deny.
- use
?p accept
or?p deny
commands in-game.

- If
?p accept
is used then you have joined the party.
Leaving A Party
To leave a party use ?p leave
Manage A Party
Manage Parties
Only the party owner can use managment permissions.
Kick A Player
To kick a player from the party use ?p kick <id>
Invite A Player

- Use
?p invite <id>
to send a invite to a player. - Once you have invited a player, you will see the number of pending invites within the pop-up.
- Once the player has accepted or denied the invite this will update.
Delete A Party
To delete the party which will remove everyone use ?p delete
Leaving As Owner!
If you leave the game while being a party owner the party will be deleted and everyone in it will be removed.