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Game Commands

CommandShortDescription Example
?help command Show all commands or get more detail about a command?help auth
?auth Checks your auth status?auth
?staff Show online staff?staff
?pos Shows current position?pos
?die Have a guess?die
?dm id msg Direct message another user?dm 1 hi
?reply msg?rReply to a DM?reply hi
?user?uGives you your own user information?user
?clean?cRemoves all vehicles spawned by you?clean
?despawn vid?dDespawns a single vehicle?despawn 1
?give id Give an item?give 1
?outfit id Set a outfit?outfit 1
?travel id Travel to destination?travel 1
?home name Goto a home?home mp
?homes Lists homes?homes
?sethome name Set a home?sethome mp
?delhome name Delete a home?delhome mp
?topup or ?refill Refill a topup compatibles vehicle in a topup zone.?topup