
Event Rules
No spawn camping, especially on maps on relatively flat/hilly terrain; spawn protection zones are indicated as black circles on the map (3 strike rule: if enemy teams use all three strikes, then they forfeit the round)
No teamkilling. Due to the nature of the game, friendly fire accidents are not common but they do happen in instances of allies going into artillery or getting bombed by accident (one-off incidents are to be looked over, but consistent team kills that ruin the experience will result in punishment dealt by the game manager).
The use of "Vaulted Vehicles" is forbidden (vehicles that are removed from tech trees for balancing reasons or are event exclusive; a brief exemption can be made if the vehicle has been made available for a short period of time at around the time of an upcoming event, this short period can be 1-1 ½ months when the vehicle was made available).
A list of "Vaulted Vehicles" can be found here.
- (due to popular demand) Teams are not permitted to go past the corresponding grid lines near the capture point, maps like abandoned factory where the capture points are laid out vertically, the lines will be on the grid line next to the capture point, below are examples. This is to allow teams more flexibility when fighting to capture a point and gives players the opportunity to make actual flanks but also makes an attempt to stop them from going into the spawn.