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(Tricky's Police Department)

All police jobs are whitelisted and you have to apply to do police jobs on the servers.


To join the TPD there are a few requirements:

  • You have joined our Discord server.
  • You are verified on our server.
  • You are in good standing within the community.
  • You have 48 Hours of playtime on the game.
  • You have 100 driver level.
  • You have to have a current member of TPD vouch for you.
  • You must have 10 or more hours of playtime on our servers.
  • Your in-game/character name must match your steam name.

To apply to TPD click here and select MT TPD within the applications page.

Current Officers

Official List

You can view, search and verify all whitelisted players here.

All official TPD officers will have a TPD badge next to there name on the leaderboards and the online players list.

Report TPD Player