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GET Request

Get Stormworks server status

You can use the status property to get a Offline/Online response.


Parameter nameRequiredDescription
serverCODENAME of the server that you want to get the status for.


Online Example

"success": true,
"status": "Online",
"responseTimeMs": 109,
"uptime": {
"uptimeShort": "5h 58m 39s",
"uptimeLong": "5 hours 58 minutes 39 seconds",
"uptimeSeconds": 21519
"serverName": "[1/7] Tricky's | | Spawn All",
"onlinePlayers": 0,
"maxPlayers": 12,
"operatingSystem": "Windows",
"hasPassword": "No",
"serverId": 90164658396136483,
"version": "v1.6.12",
"serverTPS": "63",
"isUpToDate": true,
"isWeaponsDlc": false,
"isIndustrialDlc": false,
"owner": "Tricky",
"serverLocation": "EU",
"GblsAccess": true,
"GblsApi": true,
"TrickysAPIinfo": {
"APIversion": "v1.1.0"

Offline Example

"success": false,
"status": "Offline",
"message": "Cannot get response from the server.",
"TrickysAPIinfo": {
"APIversion": "v1.1.0"